Covid-19 Safety
For the well-being of all in our congregation, we are taking direction from Public Health professionals and Bishop Susan Bell of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
We have put into place the following practices: ​​
Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church for parishioners to use.
Clergy wash their hands both before and after worship and sanitize their hands before administering Communion.
Individuals have the choice of whether to wear a mask in church buildings based on their personal circumstances.
Parishioners are asked to be mindful of the comfort level of others in the pew. Please ask before you sit down as some may not yet be ready to sit shoulder to shoulder.
During the Exchange of the Peace, people are encouraged to make eye contact with others to determine whether a hug, a handshake, a smile, or wave (usually a Peace Sign) to those nearby is most appropriate for their comfort level.
During Communion, people may choose whether or not they receive the common cup.
Those administering Communion will be masked.
Surfaces that are frequently touched with hands and spaces that are shared (kitchens, bathrooms, etc) are disinfected regularly
Canon Kathy invites the congregation to pray "for all who are ill with this virus, for their caregivers, and for healthcare workers and researchers working to limit the virus’ impact."
The diocese will continue to monitor the situation and provide parishes with the best evidence-based advice available from public health officials.
More information available on the Diocese of Niagara website: