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A message from our rector

“There are constants in our journey in faith. It is important to be able to sit back and see where God has moved through our lives: to see the gifts we have been given; in creation, in our friends and family and in ourselves. Reflecting on how God has moved through our hearts and minds, in our lives and in the lives of those around us. To see how God has been present in our joys, in our struggles, the in-between times and in the everyday. 


And the more we do this, the easier it gets as we start to be more aware of God’s presence and how the Spirit moves and shapes us. Our level of awareness shifts.  As we start to pay attention and notice how God moves through our lives, we can see the Spirit at work as he opens our hearts wider in gratitude.  


And it isn’t just the “big stuff” we need to give thanks for. There have been many gifts, events, and happenings we need to acknowledge to the One who journeyed with us during such a challenging time, and who has blessed us so richly. ”

—Kathy Morgan, Rector

The Reverend Canon Katherine Morgan celebrates the Eucharist at an outdoor worship service for St. John's Church, Thorold at Memorial Park.

 The Reverend Canon Katherine Morgan,


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