Our Anglican burial liturgy provides powerful and hopeful words that provide comfort in a time of grief. St. John's is committed to helping families through the difficult time after a loved one's death.
For information on funerals, or funeral planning, please call the church office or contact the Rector, Kathy Morgan.
(Please note: if a family member or friend is near death, please notify Kathy, our Rector, as soon as possible.)
For more information about funerals
please contact us.

Memorial Flowers/
Throughout the year, flower and candle donations towards Easter and Christmas, and other special occasions, are welcomed and loved ones are remembered in print and digital announcements, as appropriate.
We also graciously accept offerings made, in memorium, for the ongoing work of ministry in the parish.

Memorial Gifts
We give thanks for memorial stewardship funds that provide the opportunity and foundation for current and future generations to worship and celebrate God in this sacred space.
You may feel called to give a memorial donation to the church, to the Glory of God and in honour of loved ones.
To make a Memorial Donation, please see our GIVE page to choose your preferred method of payment.