"A genuine heart for hospitality isn’t about finding ways to impress guests; it’s about cultivating a desire to use our gifts and offer what we have to honor and generously serve those around us. "
—Melissa Michaels
We're glad you're here
If you're joining us for the first time, we hope that you will experience the gift of God’s presence, touching and blessing you.
If you are searching for a church home, we hope your experience with us will help you in your journey. May the love and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, bless you.
Here's what you can expect Sundays at St. John's:
A warm welcome by one of our Parish Hosts as you come through the door. They will help orient you to our barrier-free facility.
A relaxed and joyful atmosphere with people of all ages, generally dressed in casual attire.
A worship service
that is uplifting and inspiring. Our music
is a mix of traditional Anglican hymns and Christian contemporary pieces.
Meaningful and relevant sermons applying the message of the Bible to everyday life in a compelling way.
Children are a
welcome part of our congregation. A Kids' Talk starts our service, there are activity bags available, a children's area at the back for little ones, and Sunday School for older.
Inviting hospitality after worship, incl. coffee and tea.
A community bagged lunch is provided at 11:30 am Sundays to those who drop by to take one home.
Friendly faces, happy to answer questions, point you to washroom or share a seat at coffee with you.

Barrier-Free Facility

Hearing-Assist Devices Avaliable
We hope that your worship experience with us is Spirit-filled and helps you to connect with God.
Here are some of the most common Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I expected to bring anything?
No, you are our guest.
You will notice a basket for food for Community Care is available at the back of the church.
If you wish to support our work, you may add your donation to the offering plate found near the entrance to the worship space. You are among friends, and during your first visit, we would like you to be our guest.
Our service is a gift to you. You may wish to consider a donation at a later date.

Do my children stay with me?
We love children at St. John's and celebrate the noise and excitement that comes as they learn and explore.
Kathy, our rector, includes a Kids' Talk with every service and school-aged children usually head off at this time to Sunday School
We have created a children's area in the church where little ones will find toys, books and a soft mat to stretch out on. Parents are welcome to stay with their children in this area and enjoy the worship from there or they may wish to return to their pew.
If you’re concerned that your kids will make too much noise...don’t worry! We love the sound of children among us.
Can I take Communion?
All who join us for worship are invited to receive Communion at the Lord’s Table.
Communion will be offered by the common cup or bread alone (no intinction).
The chalice is offered during communion, and again, you can find your comfort level in how you participate. Some are taking the wine, others are simply listening to the sentence “the Body of Christ, shed for you” with their arms crossed or others are gently touching the base of the chalice.

How do I keep up-to-date on the goings-on at St. John's?
There is a wealth of information in our Church-Life email.
If you'd like to be added to our parish mailing-list, please contact our Parish Administrator, Nicole.

Could I ask someone to pray with me?
If you would like prayers for healing (for you or someone you care about), please bring a bulletin with you to Communion or quietly mention it to the clergy at the front.
Do you have gluten-free wafers?
Yes. We currently offer gluten-free wafers. As you come forward for Communion, when the priest comes to you, simply tell them "Gluten free," and they will provide you with a GF wafer from a separate reserved container.

What if my mobility is limited?
St. John's is a barrier-free facility with a ramp into the worship space, a lift to access the offices and program space and accessible washrooms on all floors.
If you would find it helpful to have communion brought to you in your pew, please let a parish host know and we will happily bring Communion to you where you are seated.

I have hearing troubles, do you have any suggestions?
Hearing devices (and Scripture readings) are available from the parish hosts if you would like to use either. Also, our 10 o'clock service is projected onto a large screen so that it is easy to follow.

I’m not really sure what I believe about God, but I’m searching. Will my questions and doubts be welcome?
Absolutely! We at St. John’s are all on a journey of learning to follow Jesus and would love to have you join us. We’ll be blessed by your exploring and wondering in our midst!
Other Questions/Comments?
Contact us by filling out the form below or by calling 905.227.5431. We'd love to have an opportunity to connect with you.
Parking is available in the lot next to the church as well as on
Carleton and Clairmont Streets.