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A girl (with her mom looking on) read the weekly scripture reading for the Advent Sunday service at St. John's Church, Thorold.

Faith Resources

You may be exploring faith in God or have not yet made a commitment to following Jesus.


You may have many questions:

How will God challenge us to live out our faith? What opportunities for ministry; for caring and offering compassion will we encounter?


What will we learn about our relationship with God and how the Spirit moves through our lives? How will our personal relationship with God grow and deepen ? 


Or will we stumble, not feeling strongly connected to the One who created us?  


Please be assured that you are welcome to bring your wonderings, questions and doubts here. We will journey together, whether distanced and online or in-person, in our uncertainty and our discovery. 


You may find helpful the list of resources below.


Also, please do not hesitate to contact us to speak to our priest, Kathy. Never underestimating where conversations may lead and the power they hold, she will be glad to arrange an in-person chat, a phone call, or Zoom conversation.

"No one of us has all the answers – but together, our collective wisdom can find and search out answers”. —Unknown

Click the dropdown arrow to the right of each resource to read its description.

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St. John's Church, Thorold

The Rev'd Canon Katherine Morgan, Rector


12 Carleton St. South
Thorold, ON
L2V 5C2


  • Facebook @stjohnsthorold
  • YouTube @stjohnsthorold

© 2024 St. John's Church, Thorold

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