Holy Week & Easter Services
You are invited to worship at St. John’s for the variety of services during Holy Week and Easter.
March 24- Palm Sunday
8 am & 10 am Sunday services - with the liturgy of the palms.
March 27 - Tenebrae Service
7 pm - somber and reflective service with responsive readings
March 28 - Maundy Thursday
7 pm - service with washing of feet, the commemoration of the first Eucharist and stripping of the altar
March 29 - Good Friday
10 am - Good Friday Walk with other Thorold churches, start at St. Andrew's Presbyterian with community service to follow at 11 am at St. John's
(It is ok to attend one without attending the other)
March 31 - Easter Sunday
8 am & 10 am Easter Sunday service celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
St. John’s is a church where we hear the Spirit guiding us and where we are strengthened to respond to where God is leading us. A place where we find rest and friendship, as well as offer hospitality to our neighbours. St John’s has been a part of the fabric of so many lives, and we are looking forward to seeing the Hope Spring into our lives as we journey toward Easter.