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Legacy Gifts

St. John's Church, Thorold has been blessed by the generosity of its community since its founding in 1840.


You may be considering a planned gift, such as a bequest in your will, a gift of life insurance, or securities. Confidential gifts such as these provide valuable resources to support, sustain and enrich our ongoing ministries.


People of all income levels make planned legacy gifts. We thank you for prayerfully considering this as a powerful witness of faith, love and gratitude. 


Gift through Securities

When you donate a gift of securities to St John's Church, Thorold, the taxable capital gain is eliminated. You will receive a full tax receipt equal to the sale proceeds of your securities on the day they are received. 


To donate a gift of securities, please complete this form and return it via email to Gillian Doucet Campbell, Director of Stewardship and Development at or call 905-527-1316, ext. 440.  You can also give a gift of securities through our CanadaHelps Portal.  


Gift in Your Will

Wills aren’t just a legal way to distribute your personal assets, they can be a powerful tool for change in the world.


Adding a charitable gift to your Will is easier than you think. When it comes to leaving a gift in a Will many believe they have to be wealthy, or they believe a gift in a will to a charity, such as your church, will mean less for loved ones. But by giving even a small portion of your estate to charity, such as your church, you can make a significant impact on what you care about, and still support those you love. In short, you can do both.


Click HERE to dispel the myths of giving through your Will and learn more about giving to charity through your Will.   

An older hand holds that of a young child.
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